Na Ghar Ka Na Ghaat Ke


Released : 12 March 2010
Genre : Drama

Starcast : Rahul Aggarwal, Narayani Shastri, Paresh Rawal, Ravi Kissen and Om Puri

Desc : Na Ghar Ke Na Ghat Ke narrates the tale of village simpleton Devaki Nandan Tripathi (Rahul) who comes to big bad Mumbai to try his luck. A newly married Devaki and his wife (Narayani) end up facing lot of troubles in the city. Though he gets a job at a weather bureau, he is often the butt of jokes by those around him for his naivety and simplicity. A big misunderstanding leads the couple to a police station where a corrupt police inspector (Paresh Rawal) tells Devaki to prove that the couple are husband and wife for real.

Duration : 1 Hour 52 Mints
Size : 134 M.B.

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